welcome to Donna Brooks, LCSW, Counseling practice & crystal street space

The Crystal Street Space is located on the NE corner of Northwest Hwy/Route 14 (Crystal Street) and Borden Avenue at

214 Crystal Street, Suite D, Cary, IL

Access office 214 D around the right side of the building. Entrance is at the back of the building.

Access office 214 C & D around the right side of the building. Entrance is at the back of the building.


“The single most important issue for traumatized people is to find a sense of safety in their own bodies,”

~Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps Score

“If you want to improve the world, start by making people feel safer.” ~ Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory

Park on right side of building and enter around right, rear entrance of building. Here we are!

CRYSTAL STREET SPACE is a shared space for licensed/certified healing practitioners committed to somatic work that supports learning to feel calm and safe in one’s body and being. This space hosts a trauma-informed yoga therapist, a massage therapist and body/energy work practitioners. Appointments may be arranged directly with these practitioners. See contact page.

CRYSTAL STREET SPACE is available for group activities and hosts monthly gatherings on themes of mindfulness, meditation, body and energy work.

“If you want to improve the world, start by making people feel safer.” ~ Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory